Epping Forest MP Dame Eleanor Laing has been closely in touch with all of the local schools that have RAAC problems.
She has spoken personally with the Secretary of State and the Schools Minister and visited Buckhurst Hill Community Primary School yesterday (Friday) when she met parents and teachers.
Dame Eleanor said: “I have seen the problems at Buckhurst Hill Community Primary School and would like to thank the headteacher and her colleagues for the enormous personal effort they have made to ensure that the school can operate next week.
"I can see that the measures they have put in place are very temporary. They need immediate help.
"The best solution would be for demountables to be installed to provide classrooms and admin space while the work on the RAAC is carried out.
"I have asked the Department for Education to put in place a plan for these temporary classrooms and I have every confidence that the work will begin on that very soon."